Always ready to help
Our in-world customer services team maintain a 12 hour daily shift and can usually be found at our main store location in Second Life, however they are not always logged in, the duty member of the team is listed here on our site (bottom of each page) and also via a panel in each of our stores, if the duty member of the team is not online please leave an instant message for them and they will respond as quickly as possible. The second 12 hour shift of each day is covered by our out of hours team, they respond via our ticket based help system, you can raise a ticket either by visiting our Help Desk or by emailing us.
Our customer services team will always be happy to answer any questions you may have and will do their best to help with any issues you are having, please note however that we are not able to provide insight or support for third party software, other than in connection with connecting to your stream.
Jasmin Quar
Senior Engineer
Darrell Audion
Senior Engineer
Kai Stroikavskoi
Senior Engineer
Niall Oherlihy
Customer Services Manager
Hal Clarity
Customer Services Manager
Georgina Serpente
Customer Services Engineer
Stream Monitor
Customer Services Engineer
Victoria Oller
Customer Services Engineer
Customer Services Terminal
If you should lose your details or tools
If you haven’t made a note of your stream settings or need a fresh copy of the tools we give you help is always at hand! Just visit any of our stores and at the customer services panel simply click the tablet on the wall.
From here you can access your stream details (password, server address etc.), receive a fresh or updated copy of our customer tools, or find a list of landmarks to our stores.